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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Snehal Gurav

Department of Environmental Science, IGNOU University, India


  • Research   
    Impact of Climatic Effects on Earth\'s Lithosphere and the Rise in Earthquakes
    Author(s): Snehal Gurav*

    The impact of climatic effects on the rise in earthquakes is a critical area of research, given the escalating concerns about global climate change. This comprehensive research paper delves into the intricate relationship between climatic changes and the observed increase in earthquake occurrences. The study explores various theoretical aspects, including glacier and ice sheet dynamics, sea level rise, changes in groundwater storage, thawing permafrost, volcanic activity, tectonic stress redistribution, and feedback loops, to establish the plausible connections between climatic factors and seismic activity. Original data analysis and statistical modeling are employed to investigate the correlation between climatic variables and earthquake occurrences. The findings contribute significantly to our understanding of the complex interplay between climate change and geological processes, of.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2315-5698.2023.44

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