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Siqi Zhang

Hainan Medical University, China


  • Commentary   
    Towards Improving Participatory Literature Review Training Mode for Chinese Clinical Nurses: An Action Research Study
    Author(s): Siqi Zhang

    Evidence based practice (EBP) is an interdisciplinary approach entailing making clinical decisions by using best scientific evidence to indicate practice. However, there are challenges for Chinese nurses who working in clinical ward to implement EBP owing to the fact of lack of training on literature review skills (LRS) which referred as the foundation of EBP. Therefore, a participatory action research of three phases aimed to explore a training mode to LRS for nurses working in a clinical ward was undertaken between November 2018 and January 2020 in Hainan, China. Eight female nurses aged from 27 to 35 years old actively participated in each phase. Phase one (first PAR cycle) was two months of preparing, while phase two was seven months of training workshops (seven PAR cycles) with continuous engagement of every participant. Each PAR cycle was embedded with its next and consisted of .. View More»

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