International Research Journals

Shyam Manohar Singh

Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Teesside University, United States


  • Perspective Article   
    Following internal capsule demyelination in mice, pharmacological therapy promoting remyelination improves motor function
    Author(s): Shyam Manohar Singh*

    An inflammatory demyelinating condition known as multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system and is characterised by remyelination failure, axonal degradation, and a progressive deterioration of motor skills. MS treatments are frequently developed and tested using animal models of demyelination. Acute motor impairments were caused by focal internal capsule demyelination in mice following Lysophosphatidylcholine injection, as we recently reported. These deficits were then resolved through remyelination. However, it is yet unclear whether behavioural testing and histological analysis can be utilised to assess changes in motor capabilities brought on by pharmacological therapies that encourage remyelination in the IC demyelination mouse model. In this study, we investigated the effects of clemastine in the mouse IC demyelination model, an anti-muscarinic medication that encoura.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/irjbcs.2023.29

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