International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Sanjib Kalita

Department of Botany, Gauhati University, Assam, India


  • Review Article   
    A mini-review on plants having anti-tubercular properties from northeast india and their future prospects
    Author(s): Saranga Pani Saikia, Sanjib Kalita*, Dibyajyoti Kalita, Ankur Hazarika, Sanchari Bhattacharjee and Satarupa Hazarika

    Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, according to WHO in 2019, around 10.0 million people were infected with TB and it is second leading cause of death among all infectious diseases after HIV. Numerous anti-TB synthetic drugs have been developed time to time for treating the disease but due to emergence of drug resistant strains most of them become ineffective after short time use. Moreover, the use of these drugs have various side effects. Therefore, to combat with deadly tuberculosis, it is urgent to search for more effective and less toxic medicines. Since pre-historic time plants have been being used in medicinal purposes and still about 80% of the world population depend on plant based traditional medicines for their health care needs. Plants are very rich source of secondary metabolites, which can be used as an alternative to synthetic .. View More»

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