Short Communication
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Potential of Ipecae Root Extract as a Result of Microbial Spoilage
Author(s): Richard David*
It was investigated how microbial deterioration affected the phytochemical makeup and antibacterial capability
of Ipecae root extract. Initial phytochemical analysis of the plain, undegraded extract revealed the existence
of glycosides and saponins, but following microbial degradation, these compounds were not found in the
extract; instead, sugars, free phenols, and tannins (both hydrolysable and condensed) were predominant. So it
was determined that the microbes that caused the spoilage broke down the glycoside connections and created
simple sugars, which were then used as dietary nutrients (Smith-Palmer A et al, 2001). By producing more strong
antimicrobial medications, they changed the extract's phytochemical makeup, created phenolic compounds, and
possibly prevented the development of other microbes.
Based on the fact that the acidic metabolite inhibit.. View More»