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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Morem Henrique

Department of Economics, Federal University of Rio Grande, Farroupilha, Brazil


  • Short Communication   
    The co-advancement of innovation and work relations: Institutions, development and change
    Author(s): Morem Henrique*

    This paper presents a hypothetical model for understanding the co-development process among innovations and work relations organizations. We have named this structure the Evolutionary Industrial Relations System after both the first idea of an Industrial Relations System (IRS) by Dunlop and the developmental hypothesis. The fundamental thoughts of Dunlop's IRS are kept up with: entertainers communicating in settings, intervened by a common belief system, to set up a trap of decides that direct work relations. Notwithstanding, to outperform a portion of its primary restrictions, this model is considerably changed by the transformative commitments about: firm way of behaving, development and foundations. Development is viewed as the fundamental drive of progress in work relations organizations. The result of this cycle is exceptional for every country, in light of the fact that any .. View More»
    DOI: http:/

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