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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Iorver Jacintha Seember

Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria


  • Research   
    Proximate composition and sensory properties of fermented sorghum and full fat soy flour blends for “ogi” production
    Author(s): Aondoakaa Philip Ityotagher*, Yua Terese Stephen and Iorver Jacintha Seember

    Composite flours containing 100:0, 85:15, 80:20 and 70:30 fermented sorghum and full fat soy flours, respectively were prepared. The effect of the soy flour supplementation on the proximate composition of the blends was evaluated. “Ogi”, a sorghum based fermented food product produced from the blends and the control (all sorghum flour) were subjected to sensory evaluation. All data were statistically analyzed and significance difference was determined at 5% probability level. The result on proximate composition shows that the blends had higher protein contents (16.34, 20.42 and 20.56%) than the 100% fermented sorghum flour used as control (8.92%). There were corresponding increases in the fat, ash and fibre contents of the blends while carbohydrate content of the blends decreases with increased level of soy flour. The sensory evaluation result shows that “ogi” .. View More»
    DOI: http:/

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