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International Research Journal of Engineering Science, Technology and Innovation

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Ifeoma B Asianuba

Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, University of Port Harcourt Choba, Rivers State Nigeria, Nigeria


  • Research Article   
    Author(s): Ifeoma B Asianuba* and Soloudo U Nebolisa

    Currently, the number of parents in Nigeria with adequate time to care for their toddler is drastically reducing due to the increased number of employed mothers and the enormous amount of chores women face on a daily basis. Most couples solve this issue by involving a third party, i.e. a nanny or a relative such as the grandparents, siblings, or nephew. However this approach is not optimal. In this work, an IOT toddler monitoring system is proposed as an efficient and cost-effective way to advance childcare in Nigeria. A new algorithm is proposed for the system, the latter aims at providing better care for the toddlers when the parents or caretakers are busy through constant monitoring and reporting. The design of this system utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller for the collection of data read from the various sensors interfaced with the microcontroller and the data is transmitted to a B.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2315-5663.2023.96

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