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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Hassan Ibrahim K

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Lagos State University, Nigeria


  • Research   
    Circular economy: Implications of Digitalisation policy on logistics and supply chain management in Lagos metropolis
    Author(s): Hassan Ibrahim K*, Fatile Jacob O and Adetoba Oluwaseyi M

    Lagos, Nigeria, is a good example of a thriving economy grappling with waste management challenges. A circular economy digitization policy offers a unique opportunity to address these concerns while also revolutionizing logistics and supply chain management. The study which was based on the interpretivist philosophy adopted a qualitative approach, involving key informant interviews and secondary data from the internet, journals, and government publications. The findings reveal that Lagos State has revolutionized waste management by optimizing capacity with digital tools to enhance waste collection routes and identify material recovery opportunities. The study concludes that circular economy practices can unlock new opportunities for businesses, including repair and remanufacturing sectors, generating employment and economic growth. The study recommends that the government should inves.. View More»

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