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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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H H Bharadi

Department of Studies in Economics, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India


  • Research   
    Economic Growth and Child Malnutrition in India: An Analysis of National Demographic and Health Survey
    Author(s): Anand Mallikarjun* and H H Bharadi

    The relationship between economic growth and also child malnutrition in India is multifaceted issues which demand investigation. Economic growth is associated with improved reduction in poverty and public health as it directly impacts child malnutrition. This study utilises the data from “National Health Profile 2022”, “Country Office Annual Report 2023 by UNICEF” and “National Family Health Survey (NFHS - 5), 2019–21” to examine the economic growth which influenced rates of child malnutrition over the past decades. While economic growth is an important driver of improved nutritional outcomes, it must be accompanied by targeted social policies that address the underlying determinants of malnutrition, such as education, healthcare access, and income distribution. The study controls the range of children, regional factors and household wealth un.. View More»

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