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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Fikadu Getachew Mideksa

Department of Accounting and finance, Oromia Police College, Adama, Ethiopia


  • Research   
    The determinants of saving behavior among household in Bishoftu Town, 2024
    Author(s): Fikadu Getachew Mideksa*

    This research aimed to investigate the determinants of household saving behavior in Bishoftu town, Oromia region. A Survey design was chosen for this research, utilizing both primary and secondary sources of data. A simple random sampling technique was employed to select 65 respondents. The study examined the influence of demographic characteristics such as age, sex, family size, and marital status on saving patterns. Additionally, correlation analysis and multiple regression models were used to explore the relationships between income, consumption, education, age, marital status, sex, occupation, and savings. Based on the discussion part there are factors which describe the demographic characteristics of the Households. Among this determinants some of them are significantly affect the saving patterns of Households. These demographic characteristics are; age, sex, family size and mari.. View More»

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