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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Edwin Chalmers

Department of Accounting Information, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia


  • Rapid Communication   
    The influence of business strategy on annual report: An effective strategy during an electronic health record downtime
    Author(s): Edwin Chalmers*

    Worries about the intricacy of firm divulgences have incited controllers to start activities to work on the comprehensibility of yearly reports. We examine business system as a determinant of yearly report comprehensibility. As business system generally decides a company's item and market space, innovation, and authoritative design, it impacts an association's working intricacy, ecological vulnerability and data deviation. Thusly, business system outlines the level, phrasing, and intricacy of divulgences. We catch a company's business procedure in light of the Miles and Snow vital typology and measure 10-K meaningfulness. We see that organizations chasing after a development situated miner methodology have less comprehensible 10-Ks comparative with firms seeking after an effectiveness arranged safeguard procedure... View More»
    DOI: http:/

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