International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Dr. Arun Kumar

Department of Agriculture, Kakateeya University, India


  • Mini Review   
    An adverse bacterium causes an increase in bean yield
    Author(s): Dr. Arun Kumar*

    Rhizosphere bacteria play an important and important role in plant health and growth by helping plants withstand adverse effects such as soil salinity. Plastic film mulch is an important way to control soil properties and improve yields, especially in saline soils. However, whether and to what extent there is a relationship between these improvements and rhizosphere bacteria remains unclear. Here, field studies and greenhouse mesocosm experiments show that mulching plastic sheets with saline-alkaline soils enhances soybean growth outdoors. It was shown to grow better in unsterilized saline-alkali soil than in sterilized saline-alkali soil. By detecting changes in soil properties and analyzing high-throughput sequencing data, we found that the effect of film mulching effectively maintained soil water content, clearly reduced soil salinity, and reduced bacterial and fungal communities i.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2251-0044.2023.14

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