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Dejene Mamo

Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia


  • Research Article   
    Value chain analysis faba bean in the central highlands of Amhara region Ethiopia: The case of Bassonawerana and Tarimaber districts
    Author(s): Abiro Tigabie*, Dejene Mamo and Degu Temeche

    Faba bean is one of the major pulse crops grown in the study areas with a considerable share in area coverage and volume of production. The purpose of this study was to identify the production status and the major value chain actors with their roles along the value chain. Data was collected by using quantitative and qualitative ways of individual interviews, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews from 550 smallholder farmers and 54 other value chain actors. A descriptive method like frequency, mean, and percentage was used. Actors and activity mapping, value chain mapping, and market governance methods were also employed. Farmers produced faba beans to generate cash income. Production and volume of supply trends for faba bean become declined due to biotic and abiotic factors. The value chain actors are governed from input supply up to final consumption through various v.. View More»
    DOI: http:/

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