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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Asres Mekuriaw Adank

Department of Marketing Management, St. Mary’s University, Ethiopia


  • Research Article   
    The Effect of Digital Marketing on Brand loyalty the Case of St. George Brewery S.C in Ethiopia
    Author(s): Asres Mekuriaw Adank*

    This study applied quantitative research approach. Primary data were gathered through questionnaire and supplemented by secondary data sources. The research targeted all consumers of St. George Beer in Addis Ababa above age of 21.The researcher was adopted convenience sampling of non-probability technique and Data were gathered from 235 consumers of St. George beer from 246 samples. Data were processed via SPSS version 20 and analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Determining factors such as knowledge of the respondents about social media, Branding, Digital marketing, and knowledge about the St. George beer products were all taken into consideration on the questionnaire and adequate responses were given that have been analyzed on SPSS version 20. As per the findings, all the three affecting factors which are online advertisement, social media and customer satisfactio.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303//jribm.2024.011

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