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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Alison Pountney

Start up and entrepreneurship lead, Careers and Employability, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK


  • Commentary   
    Fostering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The LCR Founders Project and Collaborative Innovation in the Liverpool City Region
    Author(s): Alison Pountney*

    This article delves into the crucial role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in driving innovation, economic growth, and job creation within regions. It explores the LCR Founders Project, a collaborative initiative supported by the European Regional Development Fund, aimed at enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem within the Liverpool City Region. The article examines the challenges posed by fragmented support systems and duplicated services, and how the LCR Founders Project, established jointly by the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University, addresses these challenges by fostering a comprehensive network of co-founders. The project's emphasis on innovation coaching, mentorship, knowledge exchange, and collaborative opportunities contributes to a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, promoting sustainable economic growth. The article also discusses the redefined rol.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35841/jribm-10.4.35

    Abstract HTML PDF