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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Value Added Abstracts - Journal of Research in International Business and Management ( 2020) Volume 0, Issue 0

Walking 2 750 km towards an entrepreneurial mindset


Published: 30-Oct-2020


I come from the country of Elon Musk, Mark Shuttle worth and Trevor Noah!  I come from the country of Nelson Mandela.  We do like to share with the world what we are doing, trying to do, or what we are striving for. A country of experiments, especially in the social context, of victories, and many failures. You’ll need a special insight into the effect and implications of a mindset often formed by a culture of dependency.  The Long Walk Project was “a gift to the mindset of all South Africans” and I trust it can also be a gift to the GEC 2019.


I come from the country of Elon Musk, Mark Shuttle worth and Trevor Noah! I come from the country of Nelson Mandela. We do like to share with the world what we are doing, trying to do, or what we are striving for. A country of experiments, especially in the social context, of victories, and many failures. You’ll need a special insight into the effect and implications of a mindset often formed by a culture of dependency. The Long Walk Project was “a gift to the mindset of all South Africans” and I trust it can also be a gift to the GEC 2019. My work in South Africa has many facets. What conclusions can I draw from all of my experiences and research?


I come from the country of Elon Musk, Mark Shuttle worth and Trevor Noah! I come from the country of Nelson Mandela. We do like to share with the world what we are doing, trying to do, or what we are striving for. A country of experiments, especially in the social context, of victories, and many failures. You’ll need a special insight into the effect and implications of a mindset often formed by a culture of dependency. The Long Walk Project was “a gift to the mindset of all South Africans” and I trust it can also be a gift to the GEC 2019. My work in South Africa has many facets. What conclusions can I draw from all of my experiences and research?