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Journal of Research in International Business and Management

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Commentary - Journal of Research in International Business and Management ( 2023) Volume 10, Issue 5

Sustainable international business practices: A research perspective.

Steven Ozaki*
School of Management & Business, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK
*Corresponding Author:
Steven Ozaki, School of Management & Business, Aberystwyth University, UK, Email:

Received: 21-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. 115555; Editor assigned: 25-Sep-2023, Pre QC No. 115555; Reviewed: 09-Oct-2023, QC No. 115555; Revised: 13-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. 115555; Published: 17-Oct-2023, DOI: 10.14303//jribm.2023.038


In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses are recognizing the importance of sustainable practices in the global marketplace. The concept of sustainability goes beyond mere environmental concerns; it encompasses social, economic, and environmental factors. For businesses operating internationally, adopting sustainable practices is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic necessity (Eden & Nielsen, 2020).

Sustainable international business practices involve conducting operations in a manner that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This concept is anchored in responsible resource management, ethical business conduct, and the creation of shared value for all stakeholders. Research in this field explores innovative ways to integrate sustainability into the core of international business strategies.

One of the primary aspects of sustainable international business is environmental conservation. Companies are investing in research to develop eco-friendly technologies, reduce carbon footprint, and optimize resource utilization. Studies indicate that businesses adopting green technologies not only contribute to environmental preservation but also gain a competitive edge through cost savings and enhanced brand reputation. Beyond profits, businesses are increasingly recognizing their responsibility towards society. Research demonstrates that companies engaged in social initiatives, such as community development programs and fair labor practices, foster positive relationships with local communities. This not only enhances the company’s image but also creates a stable socio-economic environment conducive to sustainable business operations (Eden, et al. 2022).

Research in sustainable international business practices emphasizes the significance of ethical supply chain management. Businesses are scrutinizing their supply chains, ensuring that partners adhere to ethical standards. By eliminating child labor, promoting fair wages, and ensuring safe working conditions, companies are building transparent and responsible supply chains. Studies show that ethical supply chain practices not only mitigate risks but also enhance overall operational efficiency (Fernandez, 2023).

Sustainability and economic viability are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are interdependent. Research indicates that businesses integrating sustainability into their strategies witness long-term economic benefits. Sustainable practices drive innovation, reduce costs, and attract investors who are increasingly considering environmental, social, and governance factors in their decisions. Thus, sustainable international business practices are integral to long-term profitability and growth (Hajro, et al. 2023).

While the benefits of sustainable international business practices are evident, challenges persist. Research sheds light on the complexities of implementing sustainability in diverse global markets. Cultural differences, regulatory variations, and economic disparities pose challenges. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Businesses engaged in sustainable practices are collaborating with local communities, governments, and NGOs to overcome these challenges collectively (Montiel, et al. 2022).


In conclusion, sustainable international business practices are not just a trend; they are a fundamental shift in the way businesses operate globally. Research plays a pivotal role in shaping this shift, providing valuable insights and innovative solutions. As businesses navigate the complexities of the global marketplace, integrating sustainability into their core strategies is essential for long-term success. By embracing sustainable practices, companies can create a positive impact on the environment, society, and their bottom line. As research continues to advance in this field, the future of international business undoubtedly belongs to those who embrace sustainability as a guiding principle, fostering a world where businesses thrive in harmony with the planet and its people.


Eden L, & Nielsen BB (2020). Research methods in international business: The challenge of complexity. J Int Bus Stud. 51: 1609-1620.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Eden L, Miller SR, Khan S, Weiner RJ, & Li D (2022). The event study in international business research: Opportunities, challenges, and practical solutions. J Int Bus Stud. 53: 803-817.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Fernández IA (2023). Innovation and international business: A systematic literature review. Heliyon.

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Hajro A, Brewster C, Haak-Saheem W, & Morley MJ (2023). Global migration: Implications for international business scholarship. J Int Bus Stud. 54: 1134-1150.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

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