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International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Editorials - International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science ( 2021) Volume 10, Issue 1

Prathyusha Karengula*
Department of Agricultural science, India
*Corresponding Author:
Prathyusha Karengula, Department of Agricultural science, India,

Received: 05-Jan-2021 Published: 26-Jan-2021

Plantation agriculture is over four hundred years previous and contributes to the regional and national economies in several tropical countries. This paper reviews a number of the most environmental problems associated with plantation agriculture with perennial crops, as well as wearing, soil fertility decline, pollution, carbon sequestration and multifariousness. wearing and soil fertility decline ar of concern in some areas, however in most plantations these ar being checked by cowl crops and inorganic plant food applications. Few studies are conducted on the difficulty of carbon sequestration below perennial plantation cropping. Reductions in deforestation yield a lot of larger edges for a discount in carbonic acid gas emissions than increasing plantation agriculture. the largest threat to multifariousness is that the loss of surround through growth of the plantation space. Despite the environmental issues and issues, this review has shown that crop yields of most perennial crops have enhanced over time thanks to improved crop cultivation as well as high-yielding cultivars and improved soil management. it's seemingly that a lot of attention are given to the environmental aspects of plantation cropping thanks to the increasing environmental awareness in tropical countries.

Plantations grow one main money crop; need capital investment; square measure larger than AN average-sized holding although some land could also be left uncultivated; believe hired resident or non-resident labour, usually as well as migrant labour; and square measure centrally managed. Ownership may be foreign or domestic, personal or company. With contract farming, farmers agree in a very written or verbal contract to {produce} produce to a client, typically at a pre-determined value, on a particular date and to an explicit quality. There square measure many variants. One which will involve large-scale land acquisition is nucleus outgrowing, where contracted smallholders complement production on a central estate. Lastly, an advertisement country constitutes multiple personal business farms of medium or massive scale that square measure additional or less contiguous in a locality. Commercial farming areas or blocks are documented in Africa throughout the 20th century, and in recent years there are signs of enhanced activity and political rhetoric around such developments.

There is widespread proof of low wages, long hours, poor housing and health risks for plantation staff around the world. Employment conditions square measure sometimes best for staff on permanent contracts. With the shift from salaries to piece work ascertained in recent decades, wives and youngsters are known as upon to assist men in the field; but, girls square measure oft used in their title. Plantations will have an effect on native food production by amusive labour from peasant agriculture and antagonistic land. Shifting cultivation systems, land traditionally utilized by girls, grazing areas and land cultivated by newcomers to a community square measure notably vulnerable to takeover. it's going to facilitate with workersâ?? incomes and wider food security if plantation workers square measure allowed to figure on family or communal farms at peak times, and if residential staff square measure granted farm plots on the plantation. Some individuals, as well as widows and single mothers, square measure drawn into plantation labour by poverty and landlessness. In alternative circumstances, plantation employment is a lot of a chance to diversify financial gain sources and lift money for special purposes. Pre-existing financial condition and inequalities in land ownership square measure probably to be exacerbated by plantations.

Citation: Prathyusha,K . " Plantation Agriculture and Intensive Farming." J Plantation Agriculture and Intensive Farming (2021): 1-2

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