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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Commentry - African Journal of Food Science and Technology ( 2020) Volume 0, Issue 0

Health Risks Associated with Childhood Obesity

George Harry*
Department of Food Chemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author:
George Harry, Department of Food Chemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, Email:

Childhood obesity: kids who have a body mass index (BMI) at the like level or high than 95 percent of their peers are consider to be obese. BMI is a device used to find out your “weight status.” BMI is calculated by your height and weight. Your BMI percentile (where your BMI value falls in relation to other people) is next determined using your sexual category and age. Childhood obesity is a severe health hazard to children. Kids in the obese group have surpassed just being overweight and are at risk for a number of chronic health situation. Poor health stemming from childhood obesity can persist into adulthood.

Childhood obesity doesn’t just distress physical health. Children and teens who are obese can happen to depressed and have reduced selfimage and self-esteem.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Family times past, mental factors, and lifestyle all play a role in childhood obesity. kids whose parents or other family members are fat or obese are more prone to follow suit. But the main reason of childhood obesity is a mixture of eating a lot and exercising too small.

A deprived diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and little nutrients can be reason for children to gain weight rapidly. Fast food, candy, and soft drinks are general culprits. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) news that 32 percent of youth girls and 52 percent of youth boys in the United States drink 24 ounces of soda or further per day.

Ease foods, such as cold dinners, salty munchies, and canned pastas, can also help to harmful weight gain. Some kids become obese as their parents don’t know how to decide or arrange healthy foods. Other families may not be able to simply pay for fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Not enough objective activity can be one more cause of childhood obesity. Those of all ages be likely to gain weight when they’re less energetic. Work out burns calories and helps you continue a healthy weight. Kids who aren’t confident to be energetic may be less liable to burn more calories during sports, time on the playground, or former forms of physical action.

Mental issues may also front to obesity in some kids. children and teens who are bored, stressed out, or miserable may eat extra to deal with negative emotions. kids who are obese have a high risk of budding health trouble than their peers who preserve a fit weight. Diabetes, heart disease, and asthma are with the mainly severe risks.

Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is a form in which your body doesn’t metabolize glucose correctly. Diabetes can direct to eye disease, nerve damage, and kidney dysfunction. Kids and adults who are fat are more probable to grow type 2 diabetes. However, the situation may be reversible throughout diet and lifestyle changes.

Heart disease: High cholesterol and high blood pressure increase the possibility of upcoming heart disease in obese kids. Foods that are high in fat and salt may source cholesterol and blood pressure levels to increase. Heart attack and stroke are two likely problems of heart disease.

Asthma: Asthma is unending irritation of the lung’s airways. Obesity is the most general comorbidity (when two diseases take place in the same person at the similar time) with asthma, but researchers aren’t certain precisely how the two situation are correlated. According to a modern study available in the magazine Asthma Research and Practice, about 38% of adults with asthma in the United States are furthermore obese. That same study found that obesity may be a risk reason for more rigorous asthma in several, but not all, those with obesity.

Sleep disorders: children and teens that are obese may also experience from sleep disorders, such as too much snoring and sleep apnea. More weight in the neck part can obstruct their airways.

Joint Pain: Your child can also experience joint inflexibility, pain, and imperfect range of action from carrying surplus weight. In several cases, lose weight can reduce joint problems.
