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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Perspective - Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology ( 2024) Volume 13, Issue 2

Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health

Priya Arun Kumar*
Department of Environmental Science, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author:
Priya Arun Kumar, Department of Environmental Science, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India, Email:

Received: 19-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-129991; Editor assigned: 22-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. JREST-24-129991 (PQ); Reviewed: 05-Apr-2024, QC No. JREST-24-129991; Revised: 08-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-129991 (R); Published: 29-Apr-2024, DOI: 10.14303/2315-5698.2024.679


Unwanted elements that enter water can cause pollution, alter its quality and be hazardous to both human health and the environment. Water is a vital natural resource that we use for drinking and other life-development needs. Worldwide access to safe drinking water is essential for maintaining human health. Water is a common solvent and a primary cause of infection. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of illnesses are water-borne. Many nations' drinking water does not adhere to WHO guidelines. 3.1% of deaths are caused by dirty, low-quality water.

Major sources of water contamination include radioactive waste, atmospheric deposition and leaks from water tanks, marine dumping and the discharge of household and industrial effluent wastes.

Industrial trash and heavy metals that have been disposed of can build up in rivers and lakes, endangering both people and wildlife. The primary cause of immunological suppression, infertility and acute poisoning is industrial waste toxins. Polluted water is a major source of infectious diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhea and skin and renal problems.

Damage to flora and animal feed directly affects human health. Seaweeds, mollusks, fish, crabs, seabirds and other marine life that humans eat are all being killed by water pollution. The concentration of insecticides, such as DDT, is rising up the food chain. The human health is endangered by these insecticides.


The majority of the domestic sewage that is dumped into rivers is untreated. Water pollution is caused by the toxicants, solid debris, plastic litter and bacterial pollutants found in domestic sewage. The main source of water contamination is various industrial wastes that are dumped into the rivers untreated. Ground and the surface water contamination is caused by hazardous material discharged by enterprises. The type of contaminants varies per industry. Water quality is lowered when toxic metals get into it. Industries are responsible for 25% of pollution, which is more dangerous.

In addition to causing other problems, an increasing population also contaminates the water. The production of solid trash rises with population growth. Waste, both liquid and solid, is dumped into waterways. Human excrement also contaminates water. Numerous germs that are dangerous to human health can also be discovered in contaminated water. The growing population makes it impossible for the government to provide for citizens' basic necessities.

Compared to rural areas, metropolitan communities have greater sanitation facilities. One of the main sources of pollution is plastic garbage and polythene bags. Trash is disposed of simply placing it in plastic bags. An estimated three out of every four metropolitan dwellers urinate outdoors. Pit latrines are used by 8% of persons and flush latrines by 77% of people. Numerous infectious diseases are linked to urbanization. Three primary health problems in urban settings are hazardous drinking water, dirty conditions and overcrowding. A quarter of people living in cities are prone to illness.

Pesticides are used to eradicate various pathogens, insects and bacteria.

Pesticides that contain chemicals immediately contaminate water and lower its quality. The agricultural ecology would be at risk if pesticide use was excessive or improperly controlled. Only 60% of fertilizers are employed in the soil; the other chemicals seep into the soil and contaminate the water; cyanobacteria thrive in contaminated water; and eutrophication is caused by an overabundance of phosphate runoff. Chemical residues from flooding, excessive rains and over-irrigation mix with river water and find their way into the food chain.

Numerous fruits and vegetables are tainted with these substances, which are fatal to living things. Pesticides are used to eradicate various pathogens, insects and bacteria.

The correlation between pollution and health issues is stronger. Pathogens are bacteria that cause disease and they are the direct cause of disease transmission among humans. Some diseases are prevalent everywhere, whereas others are limited to a specific location. Man to man transmission of many water-borne illnesses is occurring. Floods and heavy rains are linked to extreme weather conditions and the spread of several diseases in both industrialized and developing nations. Ten percent of people are dependent on produce and food cultivated in tainted water. Numerous infectious illnesses that are transmitted through the fecal-oral pathway are associated with faecal contamination of water sources. Numerous illnesses, including cancer, respiratory conditions, diarrheal disorders, neurological disorders and cardiovascular conditions are among the health risks linked to contaminated water.


The world community is currently experiencing the severe effects of contaminated water, which is a global problem. The main causes of water pollution include urbanization, population increase, overuse of fertilizers and pesticides and the release of garbage from homes and farms. Human health is being negatively impacted by the spread of bacterial, viral and parasite illnesses through contaminated water. It is advised that waste be treated before entering rivers and that a suitable mechanism for disposing of garbage be in place. Programmes for education and awareness should be set up in order to reduce pollution.