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Research Article - International Research Journal of Biotechnology ( 2021) Volume 11, Issue 4

De novo transcriptome of Taverniera cuneifolia (Roth) Ali root

Talib Ali Momin1*, Apurva Punvar2, Harshvardhan Zala3, Ayachit Garima2, Madhvi Joshi2 and Padamnabhi S. Nagar1
1Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 390002, Gujarat, India
2Department of Science and Technology, Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center (GBRC), Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar 382 011, India
3Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, C. P. College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar - 385 506, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding Author:
Talib Ali Momin, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 390002, Gujarat, India, Email:

Received: 27-Oct-2020 Published: 30-Oct-2021


Background: India is rich in many potential medicinal plants, Glycyrrhiza glabra popularly known as Liquorice have been used in traditional formulation. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra roots) has been used in more than 1200 formulations in traditional Chinese herbal medicines as major formulations. There are many essential uses of this plant in industries like food, herbal, cosmetics, nutraceuticals etc. Due to its high demand in the market, it is imported from foreign countries and not available locally of superior quality. In India, Taverniera cuneifolia has been described as a potent substitute for Licorice. Glycyrrhizin is one of the most useful bioactive sesquiterpenoid present in this plant. Since there are no molecular studies on this plant the present experiment focuses on in-depth transcriptome analysis in Taverniera cuneifolia.

Results: Transcriptomic analysis of Taverniera cuneifolia roots resulted in a total of ~7.29 Gb of raw data, generated from Ion Torrent platform (PROTON). The pre-processing of raw reads 55,991,233 was carried out using FastQC and FastXTool kit (Andrews, 2010). The pre-processing of raw reads resulted in high-quality reads, assembled into 36,896 contigs by Trinity assembler, finally assembled using CD-HIT (85% sequence similarity). Assembled transcripts were functionally annotated using Blast X (Nr) databases. A total of 279 metabolic enriched pathway were identified which included pathways like Sesquiterpenoid and triterpenoid pathway which were involved in synthesis of secondary metabolite Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis. The enzymes, squalene monooxygenase, farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase, beta amyrin synthase, beta-amyrin 24-hydroxylase, were identified by functional annotation of transcriptome data. There were several other pathways like terpenoid backbone biosynthesis, steroid biosynthesis, Carotenoid biosynthesis, Flavonoids biosynthesis etc. which have been reported first time from this plant.

Conclusion: Transcriptome analysis of T.cuneifolia provides the first time information about the gene and enzymes involved in Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis and other secondary metabolites. The transcriptome data will help in development of Molecular markers based on the EST.

Significance: Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra roots) is used as traditional Chinese herbal medicines in majority of formulations. Licorice is also used in Industries like food, herbal and cosmetics etc. due to its high demand in the market it is imported from foreign countries and is not available locally of superior quality (Liu et al. 2015). In India, Taverniera cuneifolia has been described as a potent substitute of Licorice, it has been quoted in ancient books like Charak Samhita during the Nigandu period (kamboj, 2000) and Barda dungar ni Vanaspati ane upyog (Thaker 1910). It has been used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, wound healing, blood purifier etc. Transcriptomic studies will assist in understanding the basic molecular structure, function and organization of information within the genome of Taverniera cuniefolia. This study will help us to identify the key metabolites their expressions and genes responsible for their production.


Taverniera cuneifolia, Transcriptomic, Glycyrrhizin, Ion torrent, Sesquiterpenoid pathway, Cytochrome P450, Next-generation sequencing.


The genus Taverniera has sixteen different species (Roskov et al., 2006). It is endemic to North-east Africa and South-west Asian countries (Naik, 1998). Taverniera cuneifolia (family Fabaceae) is an important traditional medicinal plant of India as mention in Charak Samita in Nigantu period. It is often referred to as Indian licorice having the same sweet taste as of Glycyrrhiza glabra (commercial Licorice) (Zore, 2008). Licorice is used as important traditional Chinese medicine with many clinical and industrial applications like Food, Herbal medicine, cosmetics etc. T.cuneifolia locally known as Jethimad is used by the tribal’s of Barda Hills of Jamnagar in Western India (Saurashtra, Gujarat) as a substitute for Licorice or in other words, the Plant itself is considered to be Glycyrrhiza glabra (Nagar, 2005). Many pharmacological benefits of the plants have been reported earlier like expectorant, blood purification, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-ulcer and used in treating spleen tumors. At the biochemical level, T. cuneifolia has shown the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids,  Tannins,  proteins,  Reducing  sugar and Saponins. The presence of oil content in the seeds of T. cuneifolia showed polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids (Manglorkar, 2016).

T.cuneifolia has been assessed on phytochemical basis; there are no attempts to characterize this phytochemical basis at on molecular level. Based on the above references attempts have been made to identify the genes of various metabolic pathways in T.cuneifolia through Root transcriptome sequencing. The study will give scientific insight into the molecular network of Taverniera cuneifolia. The coding regions will assist in identifying the proteins involved in Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis and other pathways. SSR markers were identified and transcription factors from the data can help in further research in future.

Materials and Methods

Plant material and RNA isolation

Taverniera cuneifolia plant was collected from Kutch, Gujarat,  India  (23.7887°  N,  68.79580°  E)  on 16/12/2016 from its natural habitat near the area of Lakhpat. The tissue of the plant, i.e., roots were cleaned with water than with ethanol and stored in RNA later solution (Qiagen) for longer- term storage. It was then shifted to -20˚C in the refrigerator. The total RNA was isolated from the root tissues of the Plant using the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions. The integrity of the RNA was assessed by formaldehyde agarose gel electrophoresis. Total RNA was quantified by using a Qiaxpert (Qiagen), Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and Qiaxcel capillary electrophoresis (Qiagen). RNA Integrity Score (RIS) was higher than approx. 7.0 for the sample.

cDNA library preparation and ion torrent sequencing

Ribosomal RNA depletion was carried out using a Ribominus RNA plant kit for RNA- SEQ (Life Technologies, C.A). mRNA fragmentation and cDNA library was constructed using an Ion total RNA-seq kit v2 (Life Technologies, C.A), further purified using Ampure XP beads (Beckman coulter, Brea, CA, USA). The library was enriched on Ion sphere particles using my one C1 dynabeads using standard protocols for the Ion Proton sequencing. The raw transcriptome data have been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) NCBI database with the accession number SRR5626167.

RNA-Seq data processing and de novo assembly

Quality control of raw sequence reads was filtered to obtain the high-quality clean reads using bioinformatics tools such as FASTQCv.0.11.5 using a minimum quality threshold Q20 (Andrews, 2010). The clean reads were subjected to de novo assembly using the Trinity v2.4.0 (Grabherr MG, Haas BJ et al.,2011) software to recover full-length transcripts. The redundancy of Trinity generated contigs were clustered for removing duplicate reads with 85% identity using CD-HIT v4.6.1 ( Li W., and Godzik, 2006).

Functional annotation of transcripts and classification

Functional characterization of assembled sequences was done by performing BlastX (Altschul et al.,1990) of contigs against the non-redundant (nr) database, ( using an e-value cut-off of 1E-5 followed by further annotation was carried out using Blast2GO (Conesa and Gotz, 2005). GO (Gene Ontology) study was used to classify the functions of the predicted coding sequences. The gene ontology classified the functionally annotated coding sequences into three main domains: Biological Process (BP), Molecular function (MF) and Cellular component (CC). Using the  Kyoto  (Encyclopedia Of Genes and Genomes KEGG) (Kanehisa and Goto, 2000) pathway maps were determined. Further, KEGG Automated Annotation Server (KAAS) was used for pathway mapping in addition to Blast2GO (Moriya et al., 2007). for assignment and mapping of the Coding DNA Sequence (CDS) to the biological pathways. KAAS provides functional annotation of genes by BLAST comparison against the manually curated KEGG genes database. The identification of the transcription factor was done by Blastx using Plant TFDB (

Identification of transcription factors families

Transcription Factors (TFs) were identified using genome- scale protein and nucleic acid sequences by analyzing InterProScan domain patterns in protein sequences with high coverage and sensitivity using PlantTFcat  analysis  tool ( tool (Dai et al, 2013).

SSR prediction

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were identified using the MISA tool (Microsatellite; (Beier et al., 2017).We searched for SSRs ranging from mono to hexanucleotide in size. The minimum repeats number 10 for mononucleotide, 6 for Dinucleotide and 5 for trinucleotide to hexanucleotide was set for SSR search. The maximal number of bases interrupting 2 SSRs in a compound microsatellite is 100 i.e. the minimum distance between two adjacent SSR markers was set 100 bases.

Results and Discussion

The total RNA of two root samples along with RIN value more than 7, converted to cDNA library using Ion Total RNA- seq kit v2 (Life Technologies, C.A), further purified using Ampure XP beads (Beckman coulter, Brea, CA, USA). The library was enriched on Ion sphere particles using my one C1 dynabeads. A total of 7.29 gb of raw data was generated using standard protocols for the Ion proton sequencing (Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of the Ion torrent sequencing data generated for two root sample of Taverniera cuneifolia.
  Raw data
Sr. No. Features Sample Run 1 Sample Run 2
1 Total reads 26,652,853 29,338,380
2 Total nucleotides (bp) 3,604,710,778 3,682,016,643
3 Mean read length (bp) 135 bp 126 bp

The good quality roots of T.cuneifolia were used for the RNA sequencing, and a total of 55,991,233 reads containing 7,286,727,421 bases were generated. The raw reads were subjected to quality check by FastQC tool and the average base quality was above Q20. De novo transcriptome assembly resulted in 36,896 reads assembled and the final assembly of 35,590 unique high-quality reads was prepared using CD-HIT at 85% sequence similarity,  with N50 value  of 441 bp. The average GC content of 43% and average contig length of 419.45 bp was obtained. The statistics of transcriptome sequencing and assembly generated by Trinity assembler as given (Table 2).

Table 2. Results based on combined assembly of two root transcriptome.

Sr. No. Characteristics Values
1 Total assembled contigs/transcript 35,590
2 GC % 43.25
3 Contig N50 (bp) 441
4 Median Contig length (bp) 322
5 Average Contig length (bp) 419.45
6 Total assembled bases 14,928,144

Functional annotation

A total of 35,590 transcripts (contigs) assembled by trinity were subjected to functional annotation using different databases like the Nr Protein database, KEGG, UniProt, etc. GO terms were assigned to unigenes ( Figures 1 and 2). All transcripts were screened for similarity to a known organism based on the data of species-specific distribution, and it can be concluded that the transcript showed the highest blast hits with Cicer arietinum (6488) followed by Medicago truncatula (3498) and Trifolium subterraneum (2119). A total of 2103, 1843, 1754, 1644 contigs were found to be similar to Glycine max, Cajanus cajan, Trifolium pratense, Mucuna pruriens, respectively. (Table 3 and supplementary Figure 3).The functionally annotated transcripts (27,884) of Taverniera cuneifolia were classified using Blast 2GO into three main domains: Biological processes gene ontology, Cellular component gene ontology and Molecular function gene ontology (Table 4 and supplementary Figure 4). The annotated transcripts were subjected to the Kyoto encyclopedia genes and genomes (KEGG) pathway wherein the transcripts were linked to enzymes found in a large number of pathways available in KEGG. The maximum number of annotated transcripts assigned to hydrolases, followed by transferases and oxidoreductases class of enzymes (Supplementary Figures 5 and 6).


Figure 1. Data ditribution of Taverniera cuneifolia subject to functional annotation with Blast.


Figure 2. Annotation of transcripts to different database sources


Figure 3. Numbers of transcripts showing similarity with different plant species.


Figure 4. Transcripts linked with enzymes found in KEGG Pathways using Blast2Go.


Figure 5. Distribution of transcripts based on Gene Ontology (GO); categorized into cellular component, molecular function and biological process.


Figure 6. Results of the microsatellite for Taverniera cuneifolia.

Table 3. Distribution of top hit species by BLAST.

Species BLAST Top-Hits
Cicer arietinum 6488
Medicago truncatula 3498
Trifolium subterraneum 2119
Glycine max 2103
Cajanus cajan 1843
Trifolium pratense 1754
Mucuna pruriens 1644
Glycine soja 1344
Lupinus angustifolius 1023
Phaseolus vulgaris 925
Arachis duranensis 638
Vigna angularis 562
Arachis hypogaea 516
Lotus japonicus 426
Vigna radiata var. radiata 393
Others 4381

Table 4. GO sequence distribution of biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions using (Blast2Go).

GO term Process No. of Transcripts
  Biosynthetic process 3019
  Cellular protein modification process 2751
  Nucleobase-containing compound
metabolic process
  Transport 2385
  Cellular process 2188
  Cellular component organization 1917
  Metabolic process


  Transport 2385
  Cellular process 2188
  Cellular component organization 1917
  Metabolic process 1288
  Carbohydrate metabolic process 1172
  Catabolic process 1107
  Protein metabolic process 886
  Signal transduction 850
  Response to stress 820
  Response to chemical 767
  Lipid metabolic process 743
  Translation 615
  DNA metabolic process 592
Generation of precursor metabolites
and energy
  Response to endogenous stimulus 344
  Cell cycle 284
  Response to abiotic stimulus 224
  Response to external stimulus 221
  Multicellular organism development 197
  Cellular homeostasis 179
  Response to biotic stimulus 169
  Reproduction 166
  Membrane 5950
  Nucleus 2427
  Cytoplasm 1665
  Plasma membrane 828
  Cytosol 731
  Chloroplast 725
  Mitochondrion 662
  Golgi apparatus 617
  Ribosome 502
  Endoplasmic reticulum 413
  Nucleoplasm 329
  Cytoskeleton 299
  Intracellular 284
  Cell 278
Vacuole 248
  Extracellular region 210
  Endosome 191
  Thylakoid 171
  Nucleolus 148
  Cell wall 143
  Nuclear envelope 104
  Peroxisome 71
  Cellular component 51
  Plastid 39
  Lysosome 13
  Nucleotide binding 4355
  Hydrolase activity 3607
  Transferase activity 2849
  Catalytic activity 2655
  Binding 2344
  Kinase activity 2002
  Protein binding 1515
  DNA binding 1438
  RNA binding 1063
  Transporter activity 1021
  Nucleic acid binding 766
  Structural molecule activity 623
  DNA-binding transcription factor
  Translation factor activity, RNA
  Carbohydrate binding 246
Molecular functions
Enzyme regulator activity 237
  Lipid binding 197
  Nuclease activity 194
  Motor activity 166
  Transcription regulator activity 137
  Signaling receptor activity 119
  Chromatin binding 98
  Signaling receptor binding 22
  Molecular function 18
  Translation regulator activity 3
  Oxygen binding 3

Gene ontology classification

The contigs were further annotated by Blast2Go software with assembled 27,884 transcripts GO terms and divided into three broad categories as Molecular Function (26,382[38%]), Biological Processes (25,890[37%]) and Cellular Component (17,099[25%])  category  (Supplementary Figures 7 and 8). The Molecular functions were the most abundant component of GO terms. Among the 26,382 Molecular functions, the maximum number of contigs i.e. represented “Nucleotide Binding,” followed by “Hydrolase activity” and “Transferase activity”.


Figure 7. Transcription factors for Taverniera cuneifolia.


Figure 8. Number of Go terms identified in molecular function, biological processes and cellular components categories.

In addition, Biological Processes a total of 25,890 transcripts were associated with the “Biosynthetic process” as the highest match followed by “cellular protein modification process” and “nucleo base-containing compound metabolic process” respectively.

A total of 17,099 transcripts were associated with the cellular component and a relatively large no of the transcript was associated with “Membrane” followed by “Nucleus” and “Cytoplasm”, respectively.

pathway annotation by KEGG

Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) serves as knowledge source to perform functional annotation of the genes. The KEGG represents various biochemical pathways for the genes associated with it. Approximately 279 pathways were annotated and among them, metabolic pathways (100), Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (46), biosynthesis of antibiotics (24) showed the maximum hit with the database (Table 5).

Table 5. Distribution of transcripts to biological pathways using KEGG.

Pathway No. of enzymes
Metabolic pathways 100
Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites 46
Biosynthesis of antibiotics 24
Microbial metabolism in diverse environments 22
Plant hormone signal transduction 15
Spliceosome 14
Ribosome 13
Endocytosis 13
Carbon metabolism 13
RNA transport 12
Thermogenesis 12
Plant-pathogen interaction 12
MAPK signaling pathway - plant 11
Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum 10
Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 10
RNA degradation 10
Biosynthesis of amino acids 10
Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism 10
Oxidative phosphorylation 9
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 8
mRNA surveillance pathway 8
FoxO signaling pathway 7
Pyruvate metabolism 7
Glycerolipid metabolism 7
Phagosome 7
Pyrimidine metabolism 5

Candidate genes involved in biosynthesis pathway

There were 11 unigenes specific that matched with Glycyrrhiza species which were associated with the Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis from this plant (Table 6). There were 4912 unigenes hypothetical protein predicted from this plant, of which 30 unigenes that had a hit length above 400 were noted (Table 7). 94 unigenes that predicted Cytochrome P450 family protein from this plant, of which 17 unigenes with a hit length above 150 were noted (Table 8).

Table 6. Transcripts/genes that matched with Glycyrrhiza genus from Nr data base in Taverniera cuneifolia.

Sr. No. Transcript ID Best hit Transcripts associated with Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway in Nr database
1 TRINITY_DN11206_c0_g1_i1 gi|295822111|gb|ADG36709.1| squalene synthase 1
2 TRINITY_DN11206_c0_g1_i2 gi|295822111|gb|ADG36709.1| squalene synthase 1
3 TRINITY_DN20252_c0_g1_i1 gi|403399720|sp|B5BSX1.1|BAMO_GLYUR RecName: Full=Beta-amyrin
11-oxidase; AltName: Full=Cytochrome P450 88D6
4 TRINITY_DN7116_c0_g1_i1 gi|133917969|emb|CAJ77655.1| squalene synthase 2
5 TRINITY_DN11613_c0_g1_i1 gi|550600133|sp|H1A988.1|C7254_GLYUR RecName: Full=11-oxo-beta-amyrin
30-oxidase; AltName: Full=Cytochrome P450 72A154
6 TRINITY_DN11652_c0_g1_i2 gi|838228579|gb|AKM97308.1| cytochrome P450 88D6
7 TRINITY_DN11652_c0_g1_i3 gi|403399720|sp|B5BSX1.1|BAMO_GLYUR RecName: Full=Beta-amyrin
11-oxidase; AltName: Full=Cytochrome P450 88D6
8 TRINITY_DN9998_c0_g1_i1 gi|133917206|emb|CAJ77652.1| squalene synthase 1
9 TRINITY_DN9998_c0_g1_i2 gi|133917206|emb|CAJ77652.1| squalene synthase 1
10 TRINITY_DN9998_c0_g1_i3 gi|253993202|gb|ACT52826.1| squalene synthase 1
11 TRINITY_DN11489_c375_g1_i1 gi|403399720|sp|B5BSX1.1|BAMO_GLYUR RecName: Full=Beta-amyrin
11-oxidase; AltName: Full=Cytochrome P450 88D6

Table 7. Transcripts/genes that showed the Hypothetical protein in Taverniera cuneifolia with hit length above 400, (total over all 4912 hypothetical protien).

Sr. No. Transcript ID Transcripts associated with Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway
1 TRINITY_DN11292_c0_g1_i3 gi|593801532|ref|XP_007163803.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_001G265500g
2 TRINITY_DN11286_c0_g1_i4 gi|593795660|ref|XP_007160868.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_001G023500g
3 TRINITY_DN10387_c0_g1_i1 gi|965601928|dbj|BAT89106.1| hypothetical protein VIGAN_05279900
4 TRINITY_DN10679_c0_g1_i1 gi|920709256|gb|KOM51253.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan08g208000
5 TRINITY_DN11770_c6_g1_i1 gi|920715088|gb|KOM55176.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan10g106800
6 TRINITY_DN11705_c1_g1_i3 gi|593797882|ref|XP_007161979.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_001G113800g
7 TRINITY_DN11740_c0_g1_i2 gi|147782060|emb|CAN61004.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_015023
8 TRINITY_DN6658_c0_g1_i1 gi|920703423|gb|KOM46648.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan07g035200
9 TRINITY_DN6650_c0_g1_i1 gi|965663984|dbj|BAT79693.1| hypothetical protein VIGAN_02261400
10 TRINITY_DN11563_c0_g1_i4 gi|593701389|ref|XP_007151112.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_004G018900g
11 TRINITY_DN11531_c0_g1_i1 gi|593700643|ref|XP_007150760.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_005G178600g
12 TRINITY_DN11540_c0_g1_i2 gi|147781743|emb|CAN61179.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_032292
13 TRINITY_DN11053_c1_g1_i2 gi|357441957|ref|XP_003591256.1| hypothetical protein MTR_1g084990
14 TRINITY_DN11043_c0_g1_i2 gi|763758066|gb|KJB25397.1| hypothetical protein B456_004G189700
15 TRINITY_DN11043_c0_g1_i4 gi|763758066|gb|KJB25397.1| hypothetical protein B456_004G189700
16 TRINITY_DN11647_c0_g1_i2 gi|965604026|dbj|BAT91203.1| hypothetical protein VIGAN_06251600
17 TRINITY_DN11647_c0_g1_i5 gi|965604026|dbj|BAT91203.1| hypothetical protein VIGAN_06251600
18 TRINITY_DN11626_c1_g1_i1 gi|593612647|ref|XP_007142864.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_007G023200g
19 TRINITY_DN11665_c3_g1_i2 gi|947109915|gb|KRH58241.1| hypothetical protein GLYMA_05G114900
20 TRINITY_DN11468_c0_g1_i2 gi|593799252|ref|XP_007162664.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_001G169900g
21 TRINITY_DN11472_c0_g2_i1 gi|920703664|gb|KOM46889.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan07g059300
22 TRINITY_DN11487_c0_g1_i3 gi|947099253|gb|KRH47745.1| hypothetical protein GLYMA_07G047800
23 TRINITY_DN11430_c1_g2_i1 gi|593704437|ref|XP_007152592.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_004G142900g
24 TRINITY_DN11430_c1_g2_i4 gi|593704437|ref|XP_007152592.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_004G142900g
25 TRINITY_DN10796_c0_g1_i3 gi|965661959|dbj|BAT77668.1| hypothetical protein VIGAN_02025800
26 TRINITY_DN4344_c0_g1_i1 gi|593694898|ref|XP_007147954.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_006G168300g
27 TRINITY_DN11312_c0_g1_i2 gi|922399741|ref|XP_013467009.1| hypothetical protein MTR_1g041275
28 TRINITY_DN11307_c0_g1_i4 gi|920679711|gb|KOM26600.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan303s002200
29 TRINITY_DN10957_c0_g1_i3 gi|920681762|gb|KOM28542.1| hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan549s009700
30 TRINITY_DN11114_c0_g1_i2 gi|357466213|ref|XP_003603391.1| hypothetical protein MTR_3g107090

Table 8. Transcripts/genes that showed the Cytochrome P450 family protein in Taverniera cuneifolia with hit length above 150, (total over all 94 Cytochrome P450).

Sr. No. Transcript ID Transcripts associated with Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway
1 TRINITY_DN10399_c0_g1_i2 gi|356515730|ref|XP_003526551.1| PREDICTED: NADPH--cytochrome P450
2 TRINITY_DN11569_c1_g1_i1 gi|357514033|ref|XP_003627305.1| cytochrome P450 family monooxygenase
3 TRINITY_DN11569_c1_g1_i3 gi|357514033|ref|XP_003627305.1| cytochrome P450 family monooxygenase
4 TRINITY_DN1922_c0_g1_i2 gi|502156756|ref|XP_004510631.1| PREDICTED: cytochrome P450 78A3
5 TRINITY_DN11093_c0_g1_i2 gi|922394449|ref|XP_013465628.1| cytochrome P450 family Ent-kaurenoic acid
6 TRINITY_DN11010_c1_g1_i1 gi|357470373|ref|XP_003605471.1| cytochrome P450 family monooxygenase
7 TRINITY_DN11652_c0_g1_i4 gi|838228579|gb|AKM97308.1| cytochrome P450 88D6
8 TRINITY_DN8146_c0_g1_i1 gi|371940464|dbj|BAL45206.1| cytochrome P450 monooxygenase
9 TRINITY_DN9931_c0_g1_i2 gi|502150242|ref|XP_004507858.1| PREDICTED: NADPH--cytochrome P450
10 TRINITY_DN9161_c0_g1_i1 gi|922392052|ref|XP_013464437.1| cytochrome P450 family protein
11 TRINITY_DN3071_c0_g1_i1 gi|922399435|ref|XP_013466867.1| cytochrome P450 family protein
12 TRINITY_DN5499_c0_g1_i1 gi|922394449|ref|XP_013465628.1| cytochrome P450 family Ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase
13 TRINITY_DN2780_c0_g1_i1 gi|502161259|ref|XP_004512097.1| PREDICTED: cytochrome P450 84A1
14 TRINITY_DN2767_c0_g1_i1 gi|356569428|ref|XP_003552903.1| PREDICTED: cytochrome P450 714C2-like
15 TRINITY_DN10453_c0_g1_i1 gi|356540462|ref|XP_003538708.1| PREDICTED: cytochrome P450 87A3-like
16 TRINITY_DN10993_c0_g1_i1 gi|922380457|ref|XP_013460458.1| cytochrome P450 family protein
17 TRINITY_DN11158_c1_g1_i4 gi|922327835|ref|XP_013443310.1| cytochrome P450 family 71 protein

Secondary metabolites have key role in providing the defense mechanism to plants against stresses and these metabolites have very important role in many economic important like industries, pharma sector etc (Pagare et al., 2015). There has been no molecular data recorded for this plants as such.

The new advancement in the field of omics technologies has led to high-throughtput sequencing data which lead us to prediction of genes, enzymes, complex pathways. (Metzker, 2010). De novo of many medicinally important plants such as Saussurea lappa (Bains, S et al, 2018), Vigna radiate L (Chen, H et al, 2015), Glycyrrhiza glabra (Chin,Y et al, 2007), pigeonpea Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh (Dutta, S. et al, 2011), Dracocephalum tanguticum (Li, H., Fu, Y., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., & Lan, X., 2017) etc. have reported the trancripts involved in active metabolite production using NGS technology.

Transcriptome analysis has proved to be one of the advanced methods for the identification of gene expressing in different pathways of metabolism, growth, development, response towards stress, cell signaling etc. This has help in classifying and categorization different role in secondary metabolic compound. Glycyrrhizin, a well-known secondary metabolite that is found in roots of Licorice has same property that is been found in the roots Taverniera cuneifolia which has many uses as described above. A whole transcriptome analysis of root of Taverniera cuneifolia has opened the unique transcripts which are reported first time from this plant to be involved in the pathways of primary and secondary metabolism (P. Sharma, S. Kumar, S. Beriwal, et al, 2019).

The de novo assembled transcripts of T.cuneifolia were mapped to non-redundant protein database using blastx tool. A total of 35,590 transcripts annotated to the database showed the maximum similarity with Cicer arietinum (18.2%), Medicago truncatula (9.8%), Trifolium subterraneum (6%) and so on. Whi ch belong to same family Fabaceae, order fabales.

Main metabolism-related gene of Taverniera cuneifolia

Glycyrrhizin is triterpenoid-saponin produced in Licorice roots. It is synthesized via the cytosolic melvonic acid pathway for the production of 2,3-oxidosqualene, which is then cyclized to β-amyrin by β-amyrin synthase (bAS). Then, β-amyrin undergoes a two-step oxidation at the C-30 position followed by glycosylation reactions at the C-3 hydroxyl group to synthesise glycyrrhizin as shown in Figure 9 (Seki et al 2008, 2011). Taverniera cuneifolia also known as Indian Licorice can be used as substitute of Glycyrrhiza glabra as it has same features that of this plant. This plant contains varieties of different compound that can be used in future research like triterpenoids, flavonoids, polysaccharides etc. which have been reported first time from this plant. Among them Glycyrrhizin is a primary focus compound that has many economic importance use in different fields. In our experiment we have compared the enzymes and genes for the production of Glycyrrhizin with proposed pathway for biosynthesis of Glycyrrhizin by (Seki et al, 2011), In which Glycyrrhizin is produce by a series of chemical reaction i.e oxidation of different compound associated with Melvanoic Acid pathway. In this particular pathway there are series of chemical reaction by which Farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) molecule catalyzed by squalene synthase (SQS) originating Squalene. There are 6 different transcripts that we have found in our plants that are associated for the production of squalene given in (Table 6) and then by oxidation by squalene epoxidase (SQE) to 2,3 – oxidosqualene or cyclization catalyzed by bAS i.e β- Amyrin CYP88D6 given in (Table 6) and one gene catalyzed by CYP72A154 (11-oxo-β- amyrin) which show a single oxidation reaction a dotted arrow signify undefined oxidation and glycosylation steps in the pathways.


Figure 9. Proposed Glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway in liquorice roots by seki, et al 2011.

At this point Taverniera cuneifolia have not been intensively studied and there as such no any reports that showed the details about the enzymes associated in the Glycyrrhizin pathway we have associated with reference pathway proposed by (seki et al 2011 - Garg et al 2013). As there have been no proper investigation for the pathway of glycyrrhizin known till today.

We have extensively worked upon the proteins which we have opted from our datas of Taverniera cuneifolia. Approx. 4912 gene have been isolated that showed different proteins reported firstly from this plant among them the details have been provided in (Table 7) (we have approx. shown only those hypothetical protein whose hit length is above 400) (Maroufi et al 2016 - Rasool et al 2016) In our studies we also found that there were more than 90 transcripts that showed the function related to Cytochrome P450 family protein. This protein has an immense ability to synthesis many new molecules required in the system to function and cope up with.

Identification of SSR markers and Transcription factors

The potential SSR from mono to hexanucleotide were predicted using MISA perl script. A total of 35,590 unigene sequences were examined and 2912 SSR were obtained. It was found that only 2454 number of sequences were containing SSRs. Further, only 365 sequences contained >1 SSR marker and 265 were present in compound form (Li 2014 - Villa-Ruano 2015). Tri-nucleotide represented the maximum numbers of SSRs (1291), followed by Mono-nucleotide (832) and then Di-nucleotide (597). The analysis of the transcripts revealed 1557 unique transcripts belonging to 85 transcription factor families. Among the identified unigenes, the highest of them represented the WD40 family followed by C2H2, MYB-HB, AP2-EREBP, PHD etc. the top 15 have been shown in the (Tables 9 and 10).

Table 9. Top 15 Transcription factors families detection from Taverniera cuneifolia root transcriptome.

Sr no. Transcription factors Family No of factors from 1557 unigenes
1 WD40-like 259
2 C2H2 170
3 MYB-HB-like 65
4 AP2-EREBP 61
5 PHD 61
6 CCHC(Zn) 58
7 C3H 55
8 Hap3/NF-YB 46
9 SNF2 46
10 GRAS 44
11 WRKY 44
12 bZIP 39
13 Homobox-WOX 39
14 bHLH 38
15 NAM 29
16 Others approx. (70) 505

Table 10. Distribution of SSRs.

SSR statistics Count
Total number of sequences examined 35,590
Total size of examined sequences (bp) 1,49,28,144
Total number of identified SSRs 2,912
Number of SSR containing sequences 2,454
Number of sequences containing more than 1 SSR 365
Number of SSRs present in compound formation 265
Single nucleotide 832
Di-nucleotide 597
Tri-nucleotide 1291
Tetra-nucleotide 153
Penta-nucleotide 33
Hexa-nucleotide 6


We are grateful to GBRC (Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre) for providing the platform for performing the experiment. All the facilities were provided by GBRC including Computational Analysis.

Author’s contribution

All authors have contributed to various aspects of this work. PSN and MJ conceived the idea and designed the experiments. TM and HZ performed the experiment. TM, HZ, AG and AP analyzed the data. TM analyzed the results and wrote the manuscript. PSN, HZ and MJ finalized the manuscript.


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