Xanthomatosis and Orthopaedics: Review of literature | 16207
International Research Journals

Xanthomatosis and Orthopaedics: Review of literature


Nishikant Kumar

Xanthomas are tumors composed of lipid laden foam cells, posing only a cosmetic problem in most patients. However, they may be the only indicator of an underlying lipid disorder which in turn is potentially fatal. We report the rare type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia in a 6yr old child from an orthopaedic view point and the role of an orthopaedic surgeon from diagnosis to management. Keywords: Xanthomatosis, Orthopaedics, Case Report. INTRODUCTION A 6 year old non-obese boy from Chhapra district of Bihar, was brought to the outpatient department by his parents with complaints of multiple painless, nodular skin lesions over bilateral knees, elbows and tendoachilles and popular lesions over axilla, gluteal region and near eye lids for 2 years. The lesions had an insidious onset and progressed gradually over 18months to the present size, without any associated complication of pain or functional limitation except for cosmetic disfigurement. His parents were not sure of which swelling appeared first. Associated history of trauma, prolonged fever, jaundice, pruritis, bone pains, weight loss, seizure, transient loss of consciousness, chest pain or similar family history were ruled out. His parents had non consanguineous marriage. On Physical examination child had normal higher mental functions.

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