Chukwudi C. Ezeh, G. Z. Ugwu, Austin Okonkwo and J. Okamkpa
This paper presents the results of 58 vertical electrical soundings conducted within the vicinity of 24 boreholes in Udi Local Government area, Enugu State, Nigeria. The study area falls between longitudes 70 91E and 70 281E and latitudes 60 121N and 60 411N, in the Southeastern part of Nigeria, encompassing an area of about 897km2, with elevation ranging from 231m to 456m above mean sea level. The objective was to correlate surface resistivity with hydrogeological parameters in order to reveal the groundwater potential of the area. Results show a strong correlation between borehole yield and aquifer resistivity (r 2 = 0.8), and the later may be used as a reliable indicator of aquifer productivity where no borehole data are available. An average Transmissivity value of 509.68m2/day for the study area was obtained from Dar – Zarrouk parameters while the average estimated value from specific capacity was 412.35m2/day. Thus, it can be inferred from the study that the geoelectrical sounding method can be successively used not only for exploration of groundwater in the study area but also for estimating the hydraulic properties the groundwater aquifers.
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