Using photovoice to analyse factors that influence peanut pr | 102637
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Using photovoice to analyse factors that influence peanut product quality and safety along the value chain in Uganda.


Ruth Martha Mirembe*, Archileo N. Kaaya, Denis Male, Shirley Kansabe, Stephen Lwasa, Daisy Kemigisha, David Kalule Okello, David Musoke, Tom Gill, David Russel Ader, Annie Carter and Carrie Ann Stephens

The quality and safety of peanuts have been highly compromised in Uganda due to inadequate handling along the value chain. Furthermore, assessment of quality and safety has proved to be expensive, necessitating cheaper alternatives that can be used. This study aimed at using photovoice, a community participatory research technique, to evaluate on-farm and postharvest handling practices that influence the quality and safety of peanuts along the value chain. Thirty rural youth in Nwoya and Tororo districts of Uganda were trained in photovoice and given smartphones to take photos of what they understood by peanut quality and safety over two peanut growing seasons. Data from focus group discussions conducted every two months was analysed using content analysis in Atlas-ti-version-6. Factors that influenced peanut quality and safety along the value chain were reported under five themes; agronomic practices, pest and disease management, processing, storage, and marketing. Photovoice was able to address the risk factors that exposed peanuts to adverse contamination levels which could be prevented and controlled in communities. Furthermore, the peanut quality and safety burden in Uganda is still great and needs urgent and appropriate interventions, especially post-harvest.

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