Using Ethno-Compositional Materials For Contemporary Music C | 18267
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Using Ethno-Compositional Materials For Contemporary Music Composition: Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?Ë?OvieÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?¢ E Flat Alto Saxophone And Piano Accompaniment As Musical Example


Okafor JE

A The search for musico-cultural identity and nationalism in Africa as well as in Nigeria gave rise to the evolution of new compositional innovations which stemmed from the use of ethno-compositional materials drawn from such cultures for compositional purposes which are culturally, contemporary and globally relevant. Nigerian Contemporary musicians and Art musicians/composers went back as it were to their ‘root’. In response to this search, many contemporary compositions by various contemporary musicians and art musicians in Nigeria and Africa were created. One of such contemporary composition is the musical example titled ‘Ovie’ E flat Alto Saxophone and Piano accompaniment. In the musicological presentation of ‘Ovie’ E flat Alto Saxophone and Piano accompaniment, the melodic structure/passage of the song texts ‘Ovie’ was used as thematic material to compose an entire work of 173 bars; presentation of information pertaining to the pre-compositional consideration and compositional techniques employed was discussed including literature review to buttress facts where necessary, made up the bulk of the work.

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