Using Environmental Toxicology to Address East Asian Public | 94157
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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Using Environmental Toxicology to Address East Asian Public Health Issues Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing, Suspended Particulate Matter Analysis of Pre And During Covid Lockdown: A Case Study of Ukai Reservoir


Rukhsar Parwez*

There are many factors that can contribute to the presence of suspended particle matter (SPM) in a waterbody or river, including additional pollutants released from sewage that has not been properly treated, siltation, sedimentation, flooding, and even bacteria. The impacts of pandemic-induced lockdown on the SPM levels in the lower Tapi reservoir or Ukai reservoir were investigated in this study using remote sensing techniques. With a radiometric resolution of 12 bits and a spatial resolution of 30 m, Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) was used to perform the estimation. The study's products were produced using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform. The GEE is a robust semi-automated workflow system created for the processing and visualisation of geospatial datasets for scientific purposes. A computer algorithm was used, and for the subject area, a time-series analysis (2013–2020) was performed. The average mean value of SPM in the Tapi River for 2020 was determined to be lower than it was for the previous seven years at the same period

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