Onotai L.O and Oghenekaro E.N
Background: Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation s (TTMP) occur commonly in our setting which is a very busy Metropolitan city. Its management ca n be quite challenging to the otolaryngologists because of late presentation. This study determines the prevalence of TTMP, highlights the etiological factors and management outcome as seen in Port Harc ourt, Nigeria. Patients and Methods: A prospective study of 35 patients clinically diagnos ed to have TTMP out of 1,257 patients with aural diseases at the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) surgery c linics of University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) and Kinx Medical Consultants clinic in Port Harcourt, between January 2014 to December 2014. Information obtained from the patien ts was documented in a pro-forma prepared for the study. The information collected were bio-data, clinical presentations, otoscopic fi ndings, pure tone audiometry findings, source of injury, complication s and management outcome. The data were analyzed descriptively and illustrated with simple statistical tables and pie chart. Results: Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation prevalence was found to be 2.78%. Age range was 2-70 years with a mean age of 35.2 years ± 6.3. The commonest age gro up affected was 35-45 years; the male to female ratio was 1:1.3. Commonest etiological factor was s lap on the ear. Bleeding from the ear was the commonest symptom. The commonest otoscopic finding was blood clots in the external auditory canal with central tympanic membrane perforation. The co mmonest complication encountered was Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. Fourteen patients respon ded to treatment after 1 month of conservative management. Conclusion: Slap on the ear ranked high est as etiological factor. Forty percent of the patients responded to treatment after 1 month of co nservative management
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