Tracer Study of Graduates from Higher Education Institutions | 85624
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Tracer Study of Graduates from Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Somaliland 2014-2019


Abdiqani Ibrahim*

This study will assist in the tracer investigation of graduates from higher education institutions in the republic of Somaliland from 2014 to 2019 as well as labor market strategies. When there are variables that impact the condition of something or lead it to assume a specific state for a length of time, with a focus on quality and employability, (HEIs). It focused on university graduates from the following regions. The capital city of Hargeisa Somaliland in the Republic of Somaliland. The objective was to create a body of knowledge that would serve as a foundation for improving the quality and employability of graduates generated by the country's Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The research us

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