Edet EE, Edet TE, Akpanabiatu MI, David-Oku E, Atangwho IJ, Igile G, Mgbeje B, and Uboh FE
This work assessed the effect of Gongronema latifolium Benth et Hook (Asclepiadaceae) leaf-extract on the histology of pancreas, kidney, heart and liver tissues of diabetic and non-diabetic male rats. The pancreas of diabetic rats which showed reduction in beta-cell density and size, distorted reticular support and infiltration of inflamed cells, recover ed, showing distinct and highly populated beta- and α lpha-cells upon treatment with 400mg/kg body wt ext ract. The renal tubules of the diabetic rat kidneys indicated inflammation and obscured borders between convoluted tubules. However, gavaging with the extract caused a restoration and regeneration of th ese hitherto inflamed cells. Hyperglycaemia as well as extract administration caused no significant cha nge in the heart tissues within the period, except that the myocytes of the extract-treated rats were multinucleated and hypertrophied. No significant change was also observed in the histology of the li ver. Result of phytochemical screening of leaf- extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponin s, tannins, phlobatannins, cardiac glycosides, reducing sugars and polyphenols in both ethanol and aqueous extracts. However, polyphenols and saponins were relatively higher in ethanol extract compared to the aqueous. The possible regenerative, protective and restorative effect of extract agains t hyperglycaemia-induced tissue toxicity may be attributable to these phytochemicals.
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