The Role of Project Management Office (PMO) in Construction | 110968
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The Role of Project Management Office (PMO) in Construction Sector: A Qualitative Case Study in the Department of Municipality and Transportation (DMT) in Abu Dhabi Emirate


Hamad Ibrahim Mousa Alzaabi* and Mohd Amin Mohamad

Project management office (PMO) has become more and more necessary in many businesses in recent years as a result of its beneficial effects on the projects that are being undertaken. Although this situation is also present in the United Arab Emirates, particularly in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, PMO does not function as it should. Since there is currently no literature that expressly discusses the job of the PMO, this study aims to provide the PMO’s role so that they can effectively move out their project mission. Three primary tasks are carried out in this study using a descriptive qualitative research style. Initially, ascertaining the PMO’s functions based on the literature review. Secondly, basing the presurvey on the results of the literature review on the PMO’s functions. Establishing focus groups to deliberate, confirm the pre-survey results, and ascertain the PMO’s function is the third step. Throughout the seven PMO functions, this study identified numerous roles for PMOs. Respondents to the survey were PMOs, even though it was conducted as part of the PMO in the DMT in the UAE’s Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The results provide an opportunity for further research on the PM competency framework and add to the newest developments in PMO literature, according to practitioners and certain academics from the United Arab Emirates.

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