The relationship between undergraduate studentsÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â? | 16859
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The relationship between undergraduate students�¢���� locus of control and epistemological beliefs


Ali Rıza Terzi, Gülcan Çetin and Handan Eser

The aim of the study was to identify the correlation between undergraduate students’ locus of control and their epistemological beliefs. The sample of the study includes a total of 278 undergraduate students attending the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Engineering as well as to BalÃ?â??Ã?±kesir Vocational School of BalÃ?â??Ã?±kesir University during the academic year of 2009-2010. The data of the study were collected using Rotter Scale of the Internal-External Locus of Control and Epistemological Belief Scale. The study findings indicate that the students involved have developed/mature epistemological beliefs in regard to the factor stating that learning is based on one’s efforts. In regard to the factor stating that learning is based on one’s ability, they are found to have partially developed/mature epistemological beliefs. However, their epistemological beliefs in regard to the factor stating that there is only one truth are found to be underdeveloped/immature. It is found that there are statistically significant differences in their epistemological beliefs based on their gender as well as their departments/schools. A slightly positive, low correlation is identified between students’ locus of control and their epistemological beliefs concerning the factor stating that learning is based on one’s ability. Based on these findings, several administrative and educational suggestions are offered.

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