The problems and prospects of E-transaction (The Nigerian Pe | 17626
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The problems and prospects of E-transaction (The Nigerian Perspective)


Promise E. Kigho ,Edesiri G. Okoro

The use of electronic means to settle financial transactions among individuals, private and corporate bodies is fast growing. Business transactions has moved from manual form to electronic form, as online payment becomes underpin of systems of e-commerce and this has made the issue of e-transactions of immense concern to both individuals, private and corporate bodies. This paper therefore unearths an analysis on the problems and prospects of e-transaction in the Nigeria. To achieve this, samples of 350 questionnaires were used and two hypotheses were formulated for the study and the chi-square statistical tool was adopted in testing the hypotheses. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between e-transaction in promoting economic growth but this has not been succeeded in the right direction as it is still at its infant stage and the attitude of government, corporate bodies and individuals pose a problem to e-transaction as they are enslaved in fears resulting from insecurity, technical problems, anonymity, cultural problems and so on. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made.

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