DechmÃÂða Jagdal, Narantuya Davaakhuu, Riitta Antikainen, Bolormaa Idesh, Otgontuya Dugee, Oyunbileg J, Davaalkham Dambadarjaa, Dejeekhuu Genden
The aim of the study was to determine the prevalenc e of Isolated systolic hypertension and associated risk factors among people aged 15-64 yea rs in Mongolia. We examined the prevalence and risk factors of Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) using the data from the “Mongolian STEPS Survey on the Prevalence of Non-communicable Diseas e and Injury Risk Factors-2009”. ISH was defined as systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure<90 mmHg. From a total of 5,456 people in the STEPS study, we select ed those who had ISH for our population sample (n=377). The prevalence of ISH was classified in ur ban and rural areas. Using the approach of the World Health Organisation (WHO) “STEPS” Survey, cons umption of alcohol, fruit and vegetables, tobacco smoking and salt intake were assessed by qu estionnaire. The study revealed that 6.9 % (n=377) of the 5456 individuals involved in the stu dy had ISH. .ISH occured more in males (2.7 fold) compared to females. It was statistically significa nt that the prevalence of ISH increased with age (p=0.001). There was a significant difference in th e prevalence of ISH between urban (6.03%) and rural (7.6%) respondents. The prevalence of ISH is high in the Western and Khangai regions of Mongolia among people aged 15-64 years. On logistic regression analysis, age OR:1.060 (95%CI:1.050-1.069); male gender OR:2.726 (95%CI:2. 193-3.389); duration of smoking OR:1.033 (95%CI:1.016-1.050); alcohol consumption OR:1.026 ( 95%CI:1.011-1.041) and salt intake OR:1.036 (95%CI:1.015-1.057) were independently associated w ith higher risks of ISH among the population. On age and gender adjusted logistic regression, sal t intake was found to be a significant independent risk factor for ISH (p=0.015).
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