The Pedagogical perspectives of Idoma �?¢�?�?��?�?Ogbobitaa | 17010
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Educational Research

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The Pedagogical perspectives of Idoma �?¢�?�?��?�?Ogbobitaa�?¢�?�?��? or �?¢�?�?��?�?descriptive riddles�?¢�?�?��?


I.O.O. Amali, A. Yusuf*, A. A. Jekayinfa

The pedagogical perspectives of Idoma – “Ogbobitaa” or Descriptive riddles” is a study into the development of traits, aptitudes and natural endowment as an educational goal that should determine the methods of classroom instructions. The study is based on the functionalist theory of education and structural functionalists analysis as a base for pedagogical analysis, where the Idoma descriptive riddles are presented and examined in relation to the education of the Idoma child. The objectives of the study are to assess the pedagogical perspectives of Idoma descriptive riddles by examining their crucial roles in the development of Idoma culture and language among Idoma children. The assessment of the pedagogical responses also involves examining the roles of the riddles in contributing to the understanding of knowledge in the education of the Idoma child and as instruments of preservation of Idoma material and non-material cultural life. The study argues that Idoma descriptive riddles provide a stimulus to the development of educational thoughts and practices. They illuminate factors that contribute to educational advantage of the learner and are intended to promote educational research that can improve teaching – learning situation in our schools.

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