Shehu Abdulrahman
The study examined the influence of corporate social responsibility on profit after tax of some selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. Based on the objective of assessing the influence of CSR on PAT, the study used secondary source of data from annual reports of some selected banks, and through fact books of Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) for the period of the study (i. e 2006-2010) by means of content analysis. The study used regression and correlational analysis in interpreting the result of the formulated hypothesis. Based on the outcome of the result it shows that there is weak positive relationship between CSR and PAT, but it is significant at 5%. This gave us the basis of rejecting the null hypothesis in spite of its weak relationship, but it is positive and significant at 5%. Therefore, the study recommended to the banking sector to take CSR commitment as an important driver of boosting profitability of an organisation, because the more you commit yourself to corporate social responsibility the more investors and consumers are patronizing your shares and products respectively, the more the yielding return, vice versa.
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