Ahmad Rizal Madar, Mohd Yusop Ab.Hadi, Abdul Rasid Razzaq, Mohamad Zaid Mustafa
This research aims to study the effect of using learning model based on problem solving method on students with different cognitive styles and logic ability. Cognitive styles and the ability to think logically also influence one’s ability to program and to solve problems. Therefore, by using a quasi experimental design, this research studies the effect of using learning model based on problem solving methods on students with Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI) cognitive styles as well as high logical thinking ability (LT) and low logical thinking ability (LR). Samples are students that chosen by purposive sampling from third semester Diploma of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Polytechnic Merlimau Melaka that undergo Computer Programming subject (E3062). Total samples used in this research are 71 students. Instruments used in this research are Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), Sequences Test, pre-test, post-test and the learning model based on problem solving method. Data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistic and statistical inference model. Result showed that the majority of the students were categorized as FI and LT where 51 students were FI and 46 students were LT. Descriptive analysis also showed that mean score of the treatment group’s achievement it was overall or according to cognitive style and logic ability, was much higher than the control group. Inference analysis using independent t-test indicated that the difference between the treatment group’s achievements with the control group’s achievement was statistically significant. Result also showed that the achievements of FI students were higher than FD students and the LT students’ achievement were higher than the LR students’ achievement. Independent t-test proved some significant differences between those groups of students. In conclusion, the learning model based on problem solving method has potential in enhancing the students’ achievement by overall for the Computer Programming subject with students categorized as FI and LT receive more benefit than those categorized as FD and LR.
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