The Chinese and their daily motivation �?¢�?�?��?�??The Bru | 17186
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The Chinese and their daily motivation �?¢�?�?��?�??The Brunei case study


Sik-Liong Ang, Patrick Kim Cheng Low

The aim and purpose of this article is to demonstrate, using examples, what makes the ordinary Overseas Chinese tick, and what values motivate them in their livelihood – more so, in the Brunei context. The article seeks to understand Chinese Bruneian businessmen,uncovering, examining and identifying their values that motivate them to do what they are doing today. This article hopes to assist readers to better understand the motivations of Chinese Bruneians both at work as well as in their day-to-day living. The method used in this research is qualitative research method (interview), and the researchers adopted a semi-structure form of interview. To have a deeper understanding of the interviewees’ thinking and perceived values, the researchers interviewed Chinese employers and employees from small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Brunei. The study samples consisted of two hundred and fifty-seven (257) people, age ranging from 32 to 92 years old, whom the researchers knew/or were referred to them by contacts. Majority of the interviewees responded that they are motivated by good leaders and that they described their leaders are personable, approachable, friendly, caring and showing concerns to them. Furthermore their leaders are usually communicable, helpful and inspiring. These characteristics are very much similar to other Overseas Chinese living in South East Asia and that they are said to be influenced by the Confucian and Taoism values.

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