Study of genetic variability and correlation among various t | 15955
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Study of genetic variability and correlation among various traits of F5 wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) populations


Malik Atiq Ullah Khan, Taimur malik, Sayed Jaffar Abbas, Zaheer Abbas, Abid khan, Mehran Malik, Syed Asghar

In order to study genetic variability and correlation among various wheat genotypes, an experiment was conducted comprising twenty five F5 populations during 2008-09 at the Malakandher Research Farm Peshawar. Data were recorded on grains spike-1, grain weight spike-1, 1000 grain weight , biological yield, harvest index and yield ha-1. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for grains spike-1, grain weight spike-1, biological yield and grain yield ha-1 while non significant differences were observed for 1000 grain weight and harvest index among all the populations. Phenotypic correlation coefficient of grain yield with grains spike-1 and grain weight spike-1 were significantly positive. Based on these results we concluded that the populations of Tak x Inq and G-98 x Tat could yield potential segregates.

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