Mohammed Z.Y. Aly1 , Ebrahem E.E. Mohamed1 , Abir S. Al-Nasser*2 and Amr M.M. Badawy1
In the present work, four light traps were operated from sunset to sunrise once every three nights (from March, 2007 to February, 2009); these are Robinson mercury vapor light trap and “Jermy-type” light trap, to demonstrate the annual population fluctuations, height effect and effect of weather factors on the activity of four species of family Staphylinidae, namely Atheta gregaria, Paederus alfierii, Philonthus quisquiliarius and Philonthus turbidus. It is important to hint that, studying the annual population fluctuations of some Staphylinidae species indicates the number of generations per year of considerable number of species differ among the two years. Paederus alfierii had two generations per year, while the other species had three generations per year. The largest numbers of individuals were recorded at traps (A and B), and the lowest numbers were recorded at traps (C and D). On the contrary the largest number of Paederus alfierii Koch was recorded at traps (C and D), and the lowest number was recorded at traps (A and B). The effect of weather factors on the activity of these species carried out by partial correlation coefficient values on the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity at the two levels and for two types of light traps.
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