Sensory properties of pre-treated blast-chilled yam (Dioscor | 16133
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Sensory properties of pre-treated blast-chilled yam (Dioscorea rotundata) as a convenience food product


Tortoe, C., Johnson, P-N. T., Abbey, L., Baidoo, E., Anang, D., Acquaah, S. G. and Saka, E

Peanut is still a major oilseed and staple crop in Senegal. It is, however, prone to contamination by aflatoxins, a major public health concern. This wor k was conducted to assess aflatoxin contamination risk linked with consumption of peanu t-based dietary products and the influence of different cooking processes on aflatoxin fate. A su rvey made in the markets of Thies (Senegal) showed that the "second choice peanut" had the high est aflatoxin content with 50% samples above the 10 ppb limit set by EU for human consumption. F irst choice peanut contained lower concentrations of aflatoxin with all samples below the safe level of 10 ppb. Peanut flour and peanut butter, in spite of testing positive to aflatoxins (100%), had safe levels whereby butter was the leas t contaminated. A total reduction of aflatoxin level of about 82.5% was obtained when peanut was submitted to roasting, made into peanut butter, and further steamed. Steaming as well as boiling caused a reduction of aflatoxin level, but was howe ver not significative.

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