Hosmath J. A. Biradar D. P. and Deshpande S .K
The effect of organic and inorganic nutrient sources studied on Bt cotton (MECH-162) under irrigated and rainfed conditions. The experiment was laid out in split plot design, replicated thrice on vertisol under rainfed (during 2002-03 and 2004-05) and irrigated (during 2003-04 and 2004-05) conditions in the Agricultural College Farm, Bijapur and farmers field, respectively. The year 2003-04 was drought year. Treatments comprised of three main plots viz., Bt (MECH-162), non Bt (MECH-162) and DHH-11 and seven sub plots viz., recommended dose of fertilizer, farm yard manure, vermicompost, green manure crops and recommended dose of fertilizer in conjunction with farm yard manure, vermicompost, green manure crops. Green manure crop Crotolaria juncea was incorporated in situ. Pooled analysis indicated that under rainfed and irrigated conditions, Bt cotton out yielded DHH-11 and non Bt. Of the nutrient sources, significantly higher seed cotton yields (1066.22 kg/ha and 1806.28 kg/ha, respectively under rainfed and irrigated eco-systems) and net return (Rs.14101/- and Rs,31263, respectively under rainfed and irrigated eco-systems) were obtained in recommended dose of fertilizer + farm yard manure compared to other nutrient sources.
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