Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The case terracina | 54208
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The case terracina


Filomena Compagno*

Terracina is a bath town of 46.000 inhabitants. In 2015 it became a Zero Waste Municipality with a Zero Waste Observatory. In the same year Terracina adopted the door-to-door collection reaching 59,17% of Recycling, while in 2016 it reached 73%, becoming the first “Comune Riciclone” of Latium. How was it possible to reach this important goal? It was possible because the local City Adminitration works together with citizens, local sanitation transfer station and associations. In order to improve Recycle the Municipality of Terracina created separate waste collection centres and an “Eco-point” at the harbour where fishermen can bring plastic fishing waste, it placed recycling bins in town, it adopted Junker app, it distributed free compost bins and it forsaw a waste awareness raising campaign. In this scenario Zero Waste activists have a leading role. We are daily engaged in Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. In 2016 we monitored and encouraged the separate collection in every school of our municipality, contributing to Terracina “Comune Riciclone”, and we promoted the campaigns for the use of the flasks in spite of plastic bottles; in 2017/18 we promoted the reduction of packaging in local bakeries and the
collection of plastic toys on Terracina beaches at the end of the summer. We organised important Zero Waste events and toy reuse markets in EWWR 2017. In order to sensitise students, teachers and families we organise Zero Waste training courses at school. Thanks to Zero Waste activists engagement the “Istituti Comprensivi” of Terracina are now all “Eco-schools”. That’s for all these reasons that I think we can talk about “The case Terracina” for what concerns Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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