Production of bioethanol from agro-waste hydrolyzed with cas | 16398
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Production of bioethanol from agro-waste hydrolyzed with cashew nut shell extract


Abosede Margaret Ebabhi, Adedotun Adeyinka Adekunle, Akinniyi Adediran Osuntoki and Wahab Oluwanisola Okunowo

This study examines the lignocellulytic activities of the ethanol extract of Anacardium occidentale empty nut shell on some agricultural waste. The enzyme activity assay was carried out on the extract obtained. This was measured as micromole sugar released per min. Pretreatment and natural acid saccharification was done using the extract. The result obtained showed that the enzyme activity (µ/ml) for β-1,4-exoglucanase, β -1,4-endoglucanase and xylanase was maximum 3.70 ±0.43, 0.95 ±0.03 and 2.32 ±0.10, respectively. While maximum reducing sugar yield for the waste was from sugarcane chaff (491mg/g) and rice husk gave the lowest amount of 46mg/g. Bioethanol produced was highest in sugarcane chaff (20.70±1.40g/L) at 72 hr of incubation using the yeast Pichia caribbica (IMI 398400) and lowest in rice husk (3.22±3.22g/L) with the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus (IMI 398399). This study showed that the ethanol extract of cashew nut shell is capable of producing cellulases and xylanase enzyme. The fermentation of hydrolysates obtained from the pretreatment and natural acid saccharification can give considerable amount of bioethanol thus assisting in effective waste management.

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