Production and characterization of biodiesel fuels from cast | 16107
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Production and characterization of biodiesel fuels from castor oil utilizing methanol


M-Emad S. Soliman, *Hany A. Mohamed, O. A. Abdelhafez, and A. M. Nassibe

The growing global demand for energy with expected fossil fuel shortages stresses the search for alternative energy resources. Moreover, the high fossil energy consumption with its adverse impact on environment and climate changes calls for cleaner fuels. One of the most alternative fuel sources is the extraction of biofuels from Castor oil by trans esterification process. In this paper experimental studies were carried out to produce a biofuel from castor oil using trans esterification process. The trans esterification process occurs between castor oil and methanol in the presence of potassium hydroxide as a catalyst. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) test has been conducted to ensure that the reaction gives good results of glycerol and methyl ester (biofuel). The biodiesel fuel was produced by mixing biofuel with different amounts of diesel. Improvement of biodiesel using variable blending ratios: (B5, B10, B15, B20, and B30) was studied. The produced biodiesel fuel was evaluated in terms of its thermo physical and chemical characteristics such as flash point, firing point, and calorific value. Results showed that the produced biodiesel has similar properties with diesel fuel. Results are compared with other published experimental data.

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