Prevalence of surgical site infections and evaluation of ris | 17870
International Research Journals

Prevalence of surgical site infections and evaluation of risk factors after surgery, case of three public hospitals in Cameroon


Ntsama Essomba C, Avomo J, Esiene A, Leme Banock L, Abologo Azeme L, Masso Misse P and Essomba A

Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common complications after surgery that has significant impact in patient morbidity, mortality and health c are cost. A prospective case-control study was conducted with the aim of contributing to the safet y of inpatients. It consisted in determining the ra te of SSIs in patients who underwent surgery in three pub lic hospitals in Yaounde, from November 2011 to March 2012. Patient-specific demographic determinan ts and elements related to surgery or to hospital care organisation were also evaluated as risk facto rs. During the study period, 1201 patients underwen t surgery. Most of the patients were women (60.78%) a nd their mean age was 37. Out of the study population, 110 developed incisional SSIs, giving a prevalence rate of 9.16%. The infection was superficial for 68.18% cases. Environmental factors such as the hospital, the type of surgical ward an d surgical factors like the American Society of Anaes thesiology (ASA) score, the wound class contamination, the status of surgery and the type o f surgery were significantly associated to SSI occurrence. The study revealed a higher SSI rate in the three hospitals, compared to the standard international levels. Therefore, developing SSI pre vention strategies is a clear indication.

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