Kibir Temesgen, Amare Workie, YaredMulu
Background: Long acting contraception is a human right and is essential to women’sempowerment. It is essential to reduce poverty, promote economic growth, raise femaleproductivity, lower fertility and improve child survival and maternal health. Even though some long acting reversible contraceptive methods are the world’s most prevalent form of reversible contraception, the utilization is very low in sub-Saharan Africa.
Study Aim: To assess the prevalence and factors affecting use of long acting contraceptive methods in Akasta Town, North East Ethiopia.
Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted on 422 women of reproductiveage between March and May 2016 to achieve study aim. The actual respondents were selected bysystematic sampling method at household level.
Result: The prevalence of use of long acting contraceptives in the study area was found to be 33.6% and implants were the most commonly used methods. One hundred thirty one (46.8%) of respondents did not use these methods because of inadequate information provided for them. wo hundred eighty one (66.6%) of respondents said that they knew at least one type of long acting methods and implants were widely known which accounts 139 (49.5%) of respondents. Age, husband’s educational status, knowledge of long acting reversible contraceptives and attitude towards these methods were significantly associated with use of these contraceptives.
Conclusions:Thestudyshowedthattheprevalenceoflongactingreversiblecontraceptivesinthestudyareawaslow.Only33.6%ofrespondentseverused anytypeofthesemethodsintheirlifetimeandimplantswerethemostcommonlyusedmethod..Inthisstudy,ageofwomen,husband’seducationalstatus, knowledgeoflongactingreversiblecontraceptivesandattitudewerefoundtobeindependentdeterminantsforlongactingreversiblefamilyplanninguse.
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