Pharmacotherapy of Stroke | 111017
International Research Journals

Pharmacotherapy of Stroke


Sajeela Shahzad*

The WHO defines a stroke or CVA as a clinical condition that rapidly develops clinical signs of a central (or worldwide, in the case of a trance state) disturbing influence of cerebral capability lasting over 24 hours or that results in death for no apparent reason other than a vascular origin. Ischemic, hemorrhagic, and subarachnoid drain are the three main classifications of Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA). A vein becomes blocked, limiting blood flow to the brain, resulting in an ischemic attack. In contrast, hemorrhagic CVA occurs when a vein crack causes blood to leak into the intracranial pit. The hemorrhagic may be referred to as an intracerebral discharge or subarachnoid drain depending on where the blood was spilled. About 60 to 80 percent of CVA’s are ischemic.

The objective of our study was the documentation of pharmacotherapy of stroke. It was a prospective cross-sectional study. Convenience sampling technique was used at Ayub Medical Complex. Ethical Approval for the study was taken from the Ethical Committee of Ayub Medical Complex. The 100 Prescriptions were studied of which the detailed pharmacotherapy and demographics of patients were specifically documented.

Data shows that the 20% of stroke patients have also presented with diabetes. The steroids 27%, NSAIDS 80.3%, ACEIs 12.7%, ARBs 6.5% and anti-diabetics 18% were the classes of highly prescribed drugs while the ceftriaxone and aspirin are individual drugs with are highly prescribed to the patients with stroke. Data also shows the problems in prescriptions such as untreated symptoms or indications or missing lab parameters in almost 35% of patients.

In our study, we found that the stroke was more prevalent among males (60%) than females (40%). The cases being analyzed showed that most of the people suffering from stroke were older people (i.e., 62-75 years). Several interactions were seen and they are divided into three groups according to the severity of interactions. These are 58% minor {Aspirin+prednisolone (prednisolone decreases the levels of aspirin by increasing renal clearance)}, 46% moderate {Metronidazole+atorvastatin (Using metronidazole together with atorvastatin may increase the risk of nerve damage, which is a potential side effect of both medications)} and 29% major {Ceftriaxone+Enoxaparin (Ceftriaxone increases effects of enoxaparin by anticoagulation. Avoid or use Alternative drug. Cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin time)}.

Based on our study we find the total treatment cost as per prescriptions (This cost only includes the medications charges the rest i.e., lab tests, bed charges etc. are not mentioned) were minimum 0-500 rs which was found to be 1% whereas the maximum cost was >4500 rs which was found in 2% cases. High Blood pressure, smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, including cardiovascular breakdown, heart deserts, heart contamination, or strange heart mood, and personal or family history of stroke, heart failure, or transient ischemic attack were found to be the main causes of stroke or CVA.

Controlling high blood pressure (hypertension), reducing dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, quitting smoking, managing diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercise, consuming alcohol sparingly can help to prevent the incidence of stroke.

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