Menon, J.A; Musonda, V.C.T, Glazebrook, C
Antenatal care focuses on health promotion to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery, but it is a major concern in most developing nations that many expectant mothers either have no access to these clinics or do not avail of the facilities when they do exist. The study was conducted at the five antenatal clinics under the Lusaka Urban District Health Medical Team. Data was collected from of 194 expectant mothers (16-41 years), randomly sampled, at five antenatal clinics. A semi-structured interview schedule was administered and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were carried out with the expectant mothers. FDGs were also carried out with sisters-in-charge and/or the midwives at the five clinics. Informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to the interview and FGDs. The results obtained were subject to descriptive statistical analyses and qualitative analyses of the FGDs were also carried out. The majority of the women reported that they were satisfied with care, with 98% agreeing that the clinic was helpful. There was evidence of dissatisfaction with the amenities within the clinic such as seating and toilet facilities. Although those participants who responded were very positive about the nursing staff, a significant minority of women failed to respond to questions about the quality of care. FGDs, suggests that embarrassment and fear tended to inhibit communication.
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