Abdul Majid Wani and Nissarul Hassan Malik
This study is to find problems in pattern of care, pattern of medical illnesses on admission to hospit al, complications while hospitalized including mortality in bedridden patients in Makkah region of Saudi Arabia in a secondary care hospital in order to fin d alternative modes of care like home care. This is a retrospective study conducted during the calendar years 2007-2008 and included 217 bedridden patients. The patients admitted in medica l wards of the hospital were enlisted. Those with terminal illnesses like malignancy were excluded. T heir degree of disability was assessed using the Katz index of the activities of daily living. Total of 184 patients fulfilled the study criteria of bed ridden cases. A proforma was developed, including variab les such as age, sex, diagnosis at admission, area of residency, presenting complaints and condition o n admission, attending persons accompanying to hospital, type and presence of caregiver at home, duration of hospital stay, reasons of refusal for discharge from hospital and complications and cause of death.
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